Beg Me to Slay

Beg Me to Slay - Lisa Kessler A copy of this book was provided to me in exchanged for an honest review.

Ms. Lisa Kessler I just can't seem to get enough! Beg Me to Slay was action packed with a kickass heroine that held her own. At a time when the paranormal romance genre is inundated with heros that seek to protect, a good heroine that can hold her own and fight her own battles was much appreciated. Tegan was all heart and stepped to the plate to demand her right to fight beside Gabe. I loved her and she wins the Rock Chick award for this book because even when she was afraid she kept fighting.

Gabe was a tortured soul that lost his finance because he was fighting demons while she died. Having never forgiven himself for that mistake, he has sworn off any meaningful relationships thinking that the only way to survive is to not care. That is until Tegan walks through his office doors and opens a mainline to his heart and sparks his need to protect to dangerous levels. Swearing to keep her safe, Gabe fights to keep Tegan on the sidelines until he realizes that he has finally met his match and in doing so, he has also met the one woman that can see who he really is. The only problem is, he's convinced if he loves her it will eventually led to her death.

I love how Lisa does a slow build to their relationship. Tegan has spent years not making connections after her attack, and she's afraid that reaching out to a man will leave her wounded. Gabe has the same fears but Kessler allows the couple to talk them through. The other thing I love about this book, and Kessler's writing in general, is her ability to weave circumstances where the characters are faced with impossible obstacles barring them from being together leaving readers torn about how the situation will resolve itself. It's a great read! I'm giving it 3 1/2 notes and 4 flames!