Mine to Keep (Mine, #2)

I must say that I enjoyed Mine to Keep much better than I did Mine to Take mainly because Eden allows Skye to emerge as a formidable mate for Trace. Skye has been through hell and she survived! She allows this knowledge to propel her into reclaiming her life without being overshadowed by Trace's overprotective instincts. Additionally, Skye faces off with Trace and demands he allow her to live her life without constantly being watched and guarded.
Trace continues to be overbearing and super alpha-male, however we get more insight into his past with the Black Ops team, and the types of missions he had to endure before he returned state-side and started his security company. Readers are also introduced to 2 new characters that were part of Trace's Black Ops team: Noah and Drake. I really enjoyed Noah's character and think he brought more life into the book. His book Mine to Hold is up next and I'm looking forward to getting my hands on that one. The other new character introduced was Drake, who is quite a dark character and I for one am wondering how Eden will develop his role in the series. I'm rooting for a particular pairing between Drake and the sister of the villain in this book.
Cynthia Eden definitely delivered in this installment of the Mine series and words just cannot explain how surprised I was when the person behind the mayhem was revealed! I DID NOT even see that coming! If you enjoy romantic suspense books with super alpha males and just a tad bit of humor, pick up your copy of Mine to Keep. I'm giving this one 4 notes and 3 flames.
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